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We can animate any property using an AnimationPlayer

But sometimes we just want a simple animation (zooming in with a camera, updating the position, changing the transparency etc) Having an AnimationPlayer for that is overkill.

That's where Tweens come in.

Tweens are not a node! (althought they used to be in earlier versions) They are an object you create in the script of a node and then this tween object can interpolate between 2 values.

For example: rotation Start: 0, End: 100, Duration: 1s

0 -> 10 -> 20 -> 30 -> 40 -> 50 -> 60 -> 70 -> 80 -> 90 -> 100


For example, if the player enter in the area2D, we want to zoom in the camera.

## The building

signal player_entered
signal player_exited

func _on_body_entered():

func _on_body_exited():

## The level

func _on_house_body_entered(_body):
	var tween = get_tree().create_tween()
	tween.tween_property($Player/Camera2D, "zoom", Vector2(1,1), 1)

func _on_house_body_exited(_body):
	var tween = get_tree().create_tween()
	tween.tween_property($Player/Camera2D, "zoom", Vector2(0.6,0.6), 2)

You can parallelize multiple tweens

func _on_house_body_entered(_body):
	var tween = get_tree().create_tween()
	tween.tween_property($Player/Camera2D, "zoom", Vector2(1,1), 1)
	tween.tween_property($Player/Camera2D, "modulate:a",0, 2)
  • You can set a default start value for tween property with .from()
  • You can set a speed for the transition with .set_trans(Tween.TRANS_QUAD) (default is linear)
  • You can loop a tween with set_loops

If you have multiple tween in a function, you should probably use an AnimationPlayer instead