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Level transition

To change the level we need to load another scene

This is trivial in Godot But the transition will be a hard cut

We will use an AnimationPlayer to add a proper transition -> Will be cover in the UI Section

In our outside scene, we have a function when a player entered a gate, so let's just add a new line to load the next scene. Same for the inside scene, to load the previous scene.

func _on_gate_player_entered_gate(_body):

func _on_exit_gate_area_body_entered(_body):

You can also use change_scene_to_packed method to load a scene from a packed file.

var outside_level_scene: PackedScene = preload("res://scenes/levels/outside.tscn")
@export var outside_level_scene: PackedScene # or not preload an have available inside inspector (is for animation next)

func _on_exit_gate_area_body_entered(_body):