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Some problem

Currently we are moving image No collide, slide along surface, no physical properties

Solution: CollisionBodies & PhysicsBodies !

Area2D An area that can check if another body entrered. Can be moved by changing the position. Check if player entered a hous, the lasers will be areas

StaticBody2D A static body that other bodies collide with. Not supposed to be moved. Any static object: Walls, beds, obstacles...

RigidBody2D Moving body that moves via physics (like a cannonball). Set an initial velocity. The grenade

CharacterBody2D Moving body controlled by code. Inbuilt methods. Any entity that is controlled by code: The player & all enemies.

First lets transform bed to a StaticBody2D (right click and change type). We need to add a CollisionShape2D to the StaticBody2D. So lets create, on the right panel, we can set a shape. Lets set a rectangle shape, and set the size to the size of the bed.

Attach the bed to the level scene.

Now we need to add a CharacterBody2D to the player and add a CollisionShape2D to it. Lets set a circle shape and place it. It's a really common shape for a character.

Now we need to update script of the player, because we have created node as a Node2D but we have change change it's type. Inside just update extends to ``CharacterBody2D`. We also need to change the position variable that is not the same.

	var direction = Input.get_vector("left", "right", "up", "down")
	velocity = direction * 500

Now the player can move and collide with the bed.

move_and_collide() also exist

Another exemple of a simple ennemies that move to the right and have collision

extends CharacterBody2D

func _process(_delta):
	# direction
	var direction: Vector2 = Vector2.RIGHT # (0,0)
	# velocity
	velocity = direction * 400
	# move and slide