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Create multiple levels

You just have to create more level scenes. Unfortunately, it isn't that easy.

Our level contains quite a bit of code. If we created other level scenes this logic would not be available. We could copy it but that would be very inefficient.

We need Inheritance.

We want to create a parent level scene that contains all the logic. All other level scenes inherit from taht.

In the Scene menu, select New Inherited Scene.

New Inherited Scene

And to create a specific screen on each child that use the parent logic, you to create a class for the parent. In each child, you need to extends the parent class.

## In the parent
class_name LevelParent

func hit():
    print("hit from the parent")

## In the child
extends LevelParent

func hit():
    print("hit from the child")

The inheritance allow us to override the parent method.